In a world obsessed with the pursuit of happiness, I, Sophia Chin Wai Lan, challenge the conventional wisdom that happiness should be our ultimate goal. In this blog post, let’s explore why chasing happiness can be a trap and why we should shift our focus to a more meaningful and fulfilling objective.

I delve into the vague and fickle nature of happiness, how it relies on external circumstances, and how the constant pursuit of it can lead to disappointment and frustration. Drawing from personal experiences and anecdotes, I emphasize the pitfalls of making happiness the center of our life’s ambitions.
Instead of falling into the happiness trap, I propose a paradigm shift towards a more empowering goal – PROGRESS. This sets the stage for the subsequent blog posts where I explore the positive connotations of progress, the importance of being in control, and the inevitability of discomfort in the pursuit of growth.